Opening of the new RaSS Laboratory site in Pisa
On 5 May 2022, CNIT celebrated the opening of the new RaSS Laboratory site, located at the sixth floor of Galleria Gerace 14, in Pisa. The celebration started in the Hotel AC main meeting room, with the participation of the CNIT President, Prof. Gianni Vernazza, the CNIT Director, Prof. Nicola Blefari Melazzi, the RaSS Laboratory Steering Committee members, namely the RaSS Lab Director, Prof. Marco Martorella along with Prof. Enzo Dalle Mese, Prof. Agostino Monorchio, and Dr. Fabrizio Cuccoli. Also important institutional authorities were present from the military, academy and industry that operate in the Telecommunications and Radar Sensing fields, namely Admiral Giuseppe Abbamonte (Director of TELEDIFE), Dr. Luisa Riccardi (Director of 5th Department – Technological Innovation – of the Italian Defence Secretariat/DNA), Dr. Raffaella Bonsangue (Deputy Mayor of the Council of Pisa), Prof. Andrea Caiti (Director of the Information Engineering Department of the Univ. of Pisa), Dr. Renzo Tosini (Director of the Electronics Division – Leonardo S.p.A.), Dr. Massimo Debenedetti (Vice-President Research and Innovation – Fincantieri Corporate) and Prof. Fabrizio Berizzi (CapTech Moderator Electro Optical Sensors Technologies – EOST – EDA).
The main CNIT and RaSS Laboratory research activities were presented during the event and a plaque was given to Prof. Enzo Dalle Mese as a recognition for having conceived and founded the RaSS Laboratory and for his strong contribution to its development and growth.
The event concluded with a round-the-table discussion titled “Military research and its impact on civil applications”, with five distinctive guests, namely Dr. Riccardi, Prof Dalle Mese, Dr. Tosini, Dr. Debenedetti and Prof. Berizzi, and moderated by Prof. Martorella.
After lunch the guests visited the 600+ sqm new RaSS Laboratory space and appreciated the live demos that were organized by the RaSS Lab researchers to illustrate the most significant research results.
Here are videos on:
- Trailer of RaSS Lab. opening
- Presentation of CNIT and RaSS Lab. activities
- Panel discussion
- Plaque attribution to Prof. Dalle Mese