Italian-Israeli Workshop on Innovation in devices and systems for ICT

13 November 2017|CNIT Events, News, Projects

Roma/L’Aquila, December 1-2, 2017

Chairman Dr. Luca Potì, Head of Research Area
High-Capacity and Secure Optical Communications
Photonic Networks and Technologies Laboratory – CNIT Pisa

Italy and Israel share their strong inclination to innovation. The two Countries have, however, different background and regulations in particular for what concerns start-up incubation, development, high quality production, venture capital and big industries presence. Within the framework of the Agreement on Industrial, Scientific and Technological Research and Development Cooperation between Italy and Israel a new pilot project started in July 2017 named INCUBAte ANd DO (INCUBANDO) whose target is to build a joint Incubator that is located in L’Aquila capable at the same time of creating joint opportunities and providing unique testing infrastructures. This first workshop will bring together Scientists, Economists, Incubators and Institutions coming from both Countries in a two-day cross-fertilization time around innovation devices and systems for ICT. Invited speakers and attendees will have the opportunity to both enjoy technical discussion and visit INCUBANDO infrastructure at L’Aquila.

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