5G Italy – The Global Meeting in Rome, Second Edition – 2019, December 3-4-5

13 September 2019|CNIT Events, News

The upcoming edition of “5G Italy” will be home to all the discussions on the present and future of 5G in Europe, the USA, China, Asia and Africa, comparing technological solutions and market contexts, notably about research, design, implementation and evolution of 5G networks. A prestigious and wide-ranging occasion to think about the role Europe and Italy might play in the sector.

The event, promoted by the Italian National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications(Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le TelecomunicazioniCNIT), will also host the PhD School, with sessions taking place in parallel with the Conference.

5G Italy” aims to establish a new link among universities, scientific research and businesses, and will be an occasion for recent graduates and companies to meet on the field of new expertise and competencies.

Main Topics:

  • Security
  • Smart Cities
  • IoT
  • I.A.
  • Cloud
  • Electromagnetism
  • Industry 4.0
  • e-Health
  • Italian Excellencies
  • 5G for 5 Cities around the World
  • 6G and the future


  • ASIA
  • USA

Website: https://www.5gitaly.eu

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