“5G ITALY – A European Perspective” 4^ edition – November 30, December 1 and 2
The yearly appointment with 5G Italy is back again. Promoted by the Italian National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications – CNIT (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni), 5G Italy has proven to be the most significant event in Italy about 5G and its several application areas.
The fourth edition of 5G Italy is meant to represent an advanced and structured journey through present technological challenges. In this context, enough time will be dedicated to Italy and Europe, especially to the post-Covid strategy included by the Italian Government into the National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, PNRR), which provides for major investments in the digitalisation of the Country. In this transition process, 5G will act as the “backbone” of electronic communications, and will be a key factor to boost national economy as well as drive economic growth.
In terms of post-pandemic recovery, 5G will play a more and more relevant role for its applications in a number of fields, such as industry 4.0, IoT, businesses and Public Administrations.
5G Italy will also be a great networking opportunity: a strategic meeting-point for businesses, the academic world and decision-makers.
Distinguished representatives from Public Institutions (i.e., Government and Parliament) as well as C-suite from top-rated Italian and foreign companies will join 5G Italy Conference.
The event will host not only the main conference, but also an international PhD School and scientific sessions featuring leading international experts.
The mission of 5G Italy, indeed, has always been to create a new link among universities, scientific research and businesses: a good opportunity for recent graduates and companies to meet.
The conference will be organized according to a hybrid mode: a television studio will be set up at the Hotel Nazionale – Piazza di Monte Citorio, Rome where the speakers and a significant number of selected guests will be able to participate in presence, as well as the possibility of enjoying the event in live streaming.
The Plenary will take place in the Capranichetta room and in the Cristallo room there will be PhD Schools and Scientific Sessions, which can be followed both online and face-to-face.
For information write to organizzazione@5gitaly.info.