IEEE ComSoc Ph.D. School on eHealth

28 September 2023|Others

With the support of the IEEE Communication Society, the University of Genoa (thanks to Prof. Andrea Sciarrone) organizes an international PhD school in the eHealth field.

The School is based in Genoa in the Liguria Digitale Auditorium from the 25th to the 27th of October 2023.

The program is attached.

The following link contains logistical and organizational details:

The School’s program includes 5 Keynote Speeches provided by internationally renowned scientists and researchers, Distinguish Lecturers of the IEEE Communication Society. Furthermore, there are numerous interventions by industry and research centres.

The School will include approximately 15 hours of frontal lectures (in person) with a final test which, if passed, will allow each doctoral student to acquire ECTS.

The School also provides a Demo/Poster session where doctoral students can show their research and their latest results.

Participation in the School, both for PhD students and Professors, is completely free (no fee is foreseen) and it only takes few seconds.

Here is the direct registration link:

For any information please contact:

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