Digital Italy Summit 2023

The eighth edition of the “Digital Italy Summit”, the largest Italian event on Digital Innovation of Businesses and Public Administration, will be held in Rome from 14 to 16 November.
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The “Digital Italy Summit” represents the final moment of a long journey which has been divided into a series of territorial events which have involved many of the most innovative companies, public administrations and organizations in the public and private sector in our nation.
The event is divided into three days of work and is structured as follows:
Wednesday 15 November:
- Opening Plenary Session (09.00 – 11.00);
- Track 1: Cybersecurity for the country (11.30 – 17.30);
- Track 2: Technologies for the Digital Transition (11.30 – 17.30);
- Track 3: Sectors and New Ecosystems (11.30 – 17.30);
- Cio Panel (17.00 – 20.00).
Thursday 16 November:
- PA Summit (09.00 – 13.00);
- Health and Welfare Summit (14.15 – 17.00).
The event will cover, among others, the following topics:
- The state of the art relating to digitalization investments envisaged by the six PNRR missions.
- The use of public spending to redirect companies’ innovation projects towards a coherent industrial and infrastructure policy model.
- Cybersecurity as an essential priority to protect the security of infrastructures, businesses, public administration and private citizens.
- The best innovation practices of Central and Local Public Administration.
- The transition from a data economy to a data industrial policy.
- The issues relating to the double axis “technological innovation” and “process innovation” which concern Mission 6 of Healthcare.
- The strengthening of digital innovation in education and training systems, a keystone for the competitiveness of our human resources.
- The great challenges arising from the rapid progress of Artificial Intelligence.
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CNIT is sponsor of the event.
Event organized by The Innovation Group