IEEE ComSoc Ph.D. School on eHealth

20 September 2024|Others

UNIGE is organizing, along with the IEEE Communication Society and the IEEE ComSoc Italy Chapter, a PhD school in the eHealth field. The School will be based in Genoa, from 15 to 17 October 2024.

Here you can find the School’s website which also contains logistical and organizational details:

The School’s program includes 5 Keynote Speeches held by internationally renowned scientists and researchers, Distinguish Lecturers of the IEEE Communication Society. Furthermore, there will be many talks from industry, research centers and Italian universities.

Overall, the School includes almost 15 frontal lectures (in person) with a final test which, if passed, will allow each PhD student to acquire ECTS.

Finally, the School also provides a Demo/Poster session in which PhD students can showcase their research and their latest results.

Attending the School, both for PhD students and for Professors, is completely free (there is no fee). Coffee breaks, lunches and social event are included with the free registration.

Registration via the above website is the only requirement (it takes only a few seconds).
For your convenience, I report here a direct link:

Given the strong internationalization and the high profile of the speakers, the presence of hot topics for the IEEE ComSoc and the fact that it is completely free of charge, I believe that the aforementioned School can be considered as an interesting event not only for those directly involved in eHealth but for everyone PhD students in the ICT field.

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