Polytechnic University of Torino

Expertise: The Politecnico di Torino Research Unit (RU) focuses on the following areas:

  • Optical communications
  • Microwave electronics
  • Networking and Internet
  • Signal Processing and navigation
  • Digital transmissions and information theory

As far as optical communications are concerned, the RU addresses the modeling and simulation of non-linear fiber propagation, digital signal processing for coherent optical systems and laboratory experiments based on a recirculating loop to mimic long-haul systems. It also investigates the design of opto-electronic solutions for short reach applications: passive optical networks (PON), 5G fixed-mobile convergence, data center interconnections. Finally, it studies the development of new algorithms for optical networks performance analysis based on cross-layer optimization.

The Microwave Electronics Group has a wide expertize in modelling and characterization of Microwave devices on compound semiconductor technologies (GaAs and GaN) and the microwave circuit design, with particular emphasis on high-efficiency power amplifiers, also embedded into fully integrated telecommunication front-ends. The Group owns a Microwave Laboratory, with on-wafer linear and nonlinear characterization facilities up to 40 GHz. Over the last few years it has participated to many funded research programs at the national level (PRIN, one ongoing), to european networks (TARGET, NEWCOM, NEWCOM++, NEWCOM#), SAR design projects for space agencies (ASI and ESA) and industrial projets (SIAE, Ericsson, Qorvo).

The RU has a strong expertise in performance evaluation, modelling and analysis applied to the areas of Networking and Internet. The main research topics attain to wireless networks (Ad hoc networks, Vehicular networks, Delay tolerant networks, Sensor networks) and cellular networks (4G/5G networks and related topics such as Mobile Edge Computing), Internet of Things, Energy efficient networks (Green Networks), traffic measurements and characterization, automatic identification of Internet security threats, optical networks, switching architectures and SDN.

On the topic of signal processing and navigation, the RU works on techniques for automated extraction of information from coded data for cloud computing applications, on lossy and lossless compression techniques and computational imaging based on compressive sensing, applied to videos and images, including multi- and iper-spectral images coming from satellites. Other activities pertain the precise positioning using mass-market receiver, and the development of algorithms for time scales, detection and characterization of atomic clock anomalies in GNSS navigation systems, such as GPS or Galileo.

As far as digital transmission topics are concerned, the RU studies space communication links for telemetry and telecommand of deep space and Earth observation space/satellite missions, satellite ranging techniques, and adaptive coded modulation for LEO satellites. The RU also develops iterative receiving techniques for 5G cellular systems, with a focus on interference cancellation o reduction, and low-budget receives for M2M communication and IoT.

Address: Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni (DET), Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 TORINO

Phone: +39 011 090 000 [011 090 + ext]

Fax: +39 011 090 099


Research Unit Responsible: Prof. Roberto PROIETTI

Polytechnic Representative in the Shareholders’ Assembly: Prof. Claudio Ettore CASETTI


Members of the Research Unit

Ajmone Marsan Marco
Alasio Matteo
Albertengo Guido
Alfano Giuseppa
Andriulli Francesco
Avino Giuseppe
Bardella Paolo
Bertazzi Francesco
Bianchi Tiziano
Bianco Andrea
Boffa Matteo
Bonani Fabrizio
Borraccini Giacomo
Bosco gabriella
Calagna Antonio
Camarchia Vittorio
Cappelluti Federica
Carena Andrea
Casetti Claudio
Chiasserini Carla
Ciorba Lorenzo
Columbo Lorenzo
Correia Dearaujo Bruno
Curri Vittorio
D’Amico Andrea
Di Giacomo Giuseppe
D’Ingillo Rocco
Donati guerrieri Simona
Dovis Fabio
Drago Idilio
Fagnani Fabio
Ferrero Valter
Fraire Juan
Galante Franco
Galleani Lorenzo
Garello Roberto
Gaudino Roberto
Ghione Giovanni
Giaccone Paolo
Gioacchini Luca
Gioannini Mariangela
Giunzioni Viviana
Goano Michele
Gonzalez Montoya Jesus Alberto
Leonardi Emilio
Lotfimahyari Iman
Magli Enrico
Maiolini Capez Gabriel
Malinverno Marco
Mariano Valeria
Martina Maurizio
Masera Guido
Mellia Marco
Meo Michela
Mondin Marina
Montorsi Guido
Morichetta Andrea
Munafò Maurizio
Mungari Federico
Olmo Gabriella
Origlia Cristina
Perna Gianluca
Perrone Guido
Petek Martino
Piacibello Anna
Pirola Marco
Poggiolini Pierluigi
Proietti Roberto
Puligheddu Corrado
Ramella Chiara
Rapelli Marco
Raviglione Francesco
Renga Daniela
Ricci Paolo
Rimoldi Cristina
Risma Carletti Carlos Mateo
Risso Fulvio Giovanni Ottavio
Riviello Daniel
Rizzelli Giuseppe
Rodriguez David
Rosa Brusin Ann Margareth
Rottondi Cristina
Rusca Riccardo
Sacchetto Matteo
Sacco Alessio
Schiavone Riccardo
Taricco Giorgio
Teodorani Lucia
Tibaldi Alberto
Tobon Jorge
Torrelli Valerio
Trevisan Martino
Tunesi Lorenzo
Tuninato Riccardo
Vallero Greta
Vallone Marco
Vassio Luca
Vecchi Giuseppe
Vernì Francesco
Vipiana Francesca
Virgillito Emanuele
Zucchi Marcello