Expertise: The CNIT-Florence Research Unit of the National Interuniversity Consortium on Telecommunications is located in the Department of Information Engineering (DINFO) of University of Florence. Its main research areas are: Satellite and Terrestrial Communication Systems, Cognitive Radio and Software Defined Radio, Security & Privacy, Multimedia & Digital Signal Processing. Cooperation links have been established with: Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC), Oulu, FI; IBM Research Centre, Zurich, CH; Aalborg University, DK; DLR Institute of Communications and Navigation, DE; IMSC Integrated Media System Centre USC, CA (USA); Bradford University, UK. CNIT-Florence has been active in a number of projects in satellite communications, in areas ranging from transmission techniques to networking, which not only have produced a number of publications in highly recognized international journals, but has also implemented an advanced telecommunications infrastructure and a great deal of experimental activity.
CNIT- Florence has been involved in several European and national projects that have been partially or totally funded by the Ministry of University and Research, the National Research Council, the European Commission, the Italian Space Agency (ASI) the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Defence Agency (EDA). The industrial partners that have recently cooperated with CNIT Florence are Leonardo, H3G, Wind, Thales Italia, Thales-Alenia Space Italia. CNIT- Florence research group has been involved in several COST Actions, namely, COST 227, COST 252, COST 262, COST 272, COST 273, COST 289.
CNIT – Florence has been involved as Prime Contractor in various ESA Projects from 2003 to 2013 for innovative remote sensing methods of the Earth’s atmosphere. The CNIT staff has also an international leadership in the field of radar remote sensing with advanced radar signal processing, radar imaging, polarimetry and passive radar and a long experience of research in the field of Optimization, Operations Research, Simulation and Decision Support Systems in projects funded by the EU CLEANSKY framework.
DINFO – Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione
Address: Via di S. Marta, 3 – 50139 FIRENZE
Phone: 055 275 [+ext]
Fax: 055 2758570
MICC – Centro di Eccellenza per la Comunicazione e l’Integrazione dei Media
Address: Viale Morgagni, 65 – 50134 FIRENZE
Phone: 055 2751391 [055 275+ext]
Fax: 055 2751396
VoIP Phone: 055275 + ext
Research Unit Responsible: Prof. Luciano ALPARONE
University Representative in the Shareholders’ Assembly: Prof. Luca FACHERIS
Members of the Research Unit
Albisani | Chiara | 8556 |
Alparone | Luciano | 8614 |
Argenti | Fabrizio | 8605 |
Bagdanov | Andrew David | 8651 |
Baracchi | Daniele | 8554 |
Bellini | Pierfrancesco | 8517 |
Bertini | Marco | 8645/1394 |
Bilotta | Stefano | 8517 |
Bologna | Daniele | 8517 |
Caldelli | Roberto | 1391 |
Capannesi | Luca | 8596 |
Cappanera | Paola | 8640 |
Chiti | Francesco | 8588 |
Ciamarra | Andrea | 1391 |
Del Re | Enrico | 8586 |
Dolfi | Marco | 8563 |
Fabbri | Gabriele | 8537 |
Facheris | Luca | 8611 |
Fanfani | Marco | 8516 |
Fantacci | Romano | 8621 |
Freni | Angelo | 8612 |
Ipsaro Palesi | Luciano Alessandro | 8516 |
Iuliani | Massimo | 8553 |
Marabissi | Dania | 8589 |
Marulli | Matteo | 8516 |
Mazzinghi | Agnese | 8557 |
Morosi | Simone | 8547 |
Mucchi | Lorenzo | 8539 |
Nesi | Paolo | 8515 |
Pala | Pietro | 8530 |
Pantaleo | Gianni | 8517 |
Passeri | Matteo | 8596 |
Picano | Benedetta | 8587 |
Picchi | Roberto | 8547 |
Pierucci | Laura | 8626 |
Piva | Alessandro | 8584 |
Seidenari | Lorenzo | 1395 |
Shinde | Swapnil | 8587 |
Shullani | Dasara | 8554 |
Sorci | Silvia | 8555 |
Tarchi | Daniele | 8583 |