The Evaluation Commission evaluated the received applications received and declared Dr. Giulio Maria Bianco the winner of the Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Electromagnetism achieved at a public university member of the CNIT (2023 Edition). The winner obtained his Doctorate from the University of Rome Tor Vergata and proposed for evaluation his doctoral thesis in the course

Since 1952, the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, formerly known as Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation (1952-1955) and IRE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (1955-1962), has delivered thousands of articles on a wide range of topics of interest to specialists, engineers, educators, and students in the field of interest of the IEEE Antennas and

The joint NATO STO Research Task Groups of SET-232 on “Computational Imaging and Compressive Sensing for EO/IR Systems” and SET-236 on “Design and Analysis of Compressive Sensing Techniques for Radar and ESM Applications” have successfully investigated and demonstrated the use of Compressive Sensing techniques for Electro-Optical (EO) imaging, radar and Electronic Support Measures (ESM) systems. This was an outstanding

From September 12-16, Alberto Lupidi and Alessandro Cantelli-Forti held the final trials of the NATO-SPS “ANTI-DRONES” project in Skopje, Macedonia, at Mother Teresa University and the Stenkovec training center. Representatives of the Ministry of Defense, Macedonian Deputy Minister of Defense, and Civil Aviation participated as end-users of the project. Rector Zeqiri honored our researchers in a ceremony. The project

Digitalizing port operations with 5G and IoT started in 2016 when the Italian Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunication (CNIT) – Livorno Joint Laboratory with Port Network Authority and Ericsson Research initiated a cooperation around the so-called “Port of the Future” use cases. As 5G provides high flexibility, high bandwidth and low latency, it is considered a key enabling technology for

On Monday Nov. 18th 2019, at the Italian Space Agency headquarters in Rome, prizes were awarded to the winners of #T-TeC, the Telespazio Technology Contest, an initiative promoted by the company to enhance university research activities and to promote development and technological innovation Telespazio’s CEO, Luigi Pasquali, awarded the Voyager prize to the proposal “The Quantum Switch: enabling Noiseless Quantum communications for CyberSecurity Applications”, developed by a team

In the picture standing from the left: Barbara Martini, Molka Gharboui, Chiara Contoli, Federica Paganelli. In the picture sitting from the left: Gianluca Davoli, Walter Cerroni CNIT has been awared at the 3rd FED4FIRE+ ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE held in Paris ( for the “Best Demo” of an innovative prototype developed in the project “Latency-aware and self-Adaptive Service cHaining in

CNIT researchers at the forefront on Graphene Photonics have published in the journal Nature Reviews a perspective paper for this technology entitled “Graphene-based integrated photonics for next-generation datacom and telecom”. Abstract: “Graphene is an ideal material for optoelectronic applications. Its photonic properties give several advantages and complementarities over Si photonics. For example, graphene enables both electro-absorption and electro-refraction modulation