CNIT is hosting a free PhotonHub online introductory course in Photonics Innovation. Register now and discover all training sessions by experts from the leading competence centres across Europe: is a pan-European photonics digital innovation hub that helps SMEs & mid-caps to become highly competitive digital businesses through photonics-based technologies.

CNIT is hosting a free PhotonHub online introductory course in Photonics Innovation. Register now and discover all training sessions by experts from the leading competence centres across Europe: PhotonHub is a pan-European photonics digital innovation hub that helps SMEs & mid-caps to become highly competitive digital businesses through photonics-based technologies.

(Identification Code: CNT 01_00176_166195 – CUP: B52G14000190001) “ITS-ITALY 2020/Formazione” is a project that aims at training high level researchers in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems. Selected trainees will acquire expertise that will be spent to producing innovative technology that will help the industrial development in the field of mobility and transports.

In the framework of the European School of Antennas, we inform you that the course “Compressive Sensing in Electromagnetics” will be organized by the ELEDIA Research Center of the University of Trento. It will be held at Sala Ledro @ Centro Congressi Riva del Garda, Parco Lido, 1, Riva del Garda (Trento), Italy, in the week 18-22 March 2019. The

The DITEN and DIBRIS departments of the University of Genoa have launched, with the patronage of CNIT and CINI consortia and with the support of institutions and companies, the third edition of the University II level Master in Cyber Security and Data Protection. The Master – whose duration is 12 months – meets the needs of companies and institutions