Dear colleagues, it is my pleasure to invite you to register to 5GItaly2020, promoted by the Italian National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications CNIT (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni), a fully virtual, free, event. The conference language of the main conference will be Italian, but a simultaneous English translation will be provided (co-“located” scientific sessions and PhD school will

Digitalizing port operations with 5G and IoT started in 2016 when the Italian Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunication (CNIT) – Livorno Joint Laboratory with Port Network Authority and Ericsson Research initiated a cooperation around the so-called “Port of the Future” use cases. As 5G provides high flexibility, high bandwidth and low latency, it is considered a key enabling technology for

It is a hard period for Italy due to COVID-19 outbreak, and the scientific community of telecommunications, represented by IEEE Italy Joing ComSoc/VTS Chapter, Consorzio Nazionale Universitario per le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT) and Gruppo Nazionale delle Telecomunicazioni e Tecnologie dell’Informazione (GTTI), decided to offer specifically to young members the possibility to meet, even though virtually, some of the most representative

TERABOARD (High bandwidth density and scalable optically interconnected Terabit/s Board), EU project granted in 2015, during 48 months of developments has solved a number of challenges regarding high bandwidth density communications in a high confinement scenario, such as advanced datacom systems in data centers, as required by Ericsson, STM and Nokia. Silicon photonics active devices, developed by imec, were

From 3 to 5 December 2019 the ‘5G Italy – The Global Meeting in Rome’ was held, the three-day Conference promoted by the CNIT on the future 5G network. About 100 speakers, 85 participants in the PhD School and Scientific Sessions, and 400 participants in the main conference, reaching the maximum space capacity and an appreciable media echo. The event also saw the

On Monday Nov. 18th 2019, at the Italian Space Agency headquarters in Rome, prizes were awarded to the winners of #T-TeC, the Telespazio Technology Contest, an initiative promoted by the company to enhance university research activities and to promote development and technological innovation Telespazio’s CEO, Luigi Pasquali, awarded the Voyager prize to the proposal “The Quantum Switch: enabling Noiseless Quantum communications for CyberSecurity Applications”, developed by a team

The upcoming edition of “5G Italy” will be home to all the discussions on the present and future of 5G in Europe, the USA, China, Asia and Africa, comparing technological solutions and market contexts, notably about research, design, implementation and evolution of 5G networks. A prestigious and wide-ranging occasion to think about the role Europe and Italy might play

On May 6, the first edition of “Cy4games – Capture the Flag on trial” was held in Rome, at the headquarters of Elettronica Group. Seventeen teams of ethical hackers from all over Italy attended the competition, promoted by Cy4gate and with the patronage of the Ministry of Defense. In this event, the Cyber Security group of the CNIT research