Device born in Italy puts the turbo on the internet

The device capable of sending complex signals on optical fibers promises to turbo the internet and telecommunications, making communications much more efficient. It is a revolution comparable to that occurred in electronics thanks to smaller and more powerful chips. Described in Nature Photonics journal, the device was born in Italy, from the Institute of Communication, Information and Perception Technologies (TeCIP) of

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2018 Inter-OSS workshop: Interoperability and Open Source solutions for the IoT

  The project H2020 symbIoTe “symbiosis of smart objects across IoT environments”, in which CNIT is partner, organises the 3rd Workshop on Interoperability and Open-Source Solutions for the Internet of Things (InterOSS-IoT) in occasion of the Bilbao IoT week, co- located with the Global IoT Summit in Bilbao. The workshop is co-organised by symbIoTe and Big-IoT as part of

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ITASEC18: the first Italian Conference on Cybersecurity

ITASEC18  is the first Italian Conference on Cyber Security, at its second edition, organized by CINI Cybersecurity National Laboratory and to be held from 6 to 9 February 2018 at the Milan Polytechnic. ITASEC18 aims at putting together Italian researchers and professionals from academia, industry, and government working in the field of cyber security. The conference will be structured into a main

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Italian-Israeli Workshop on Innovation in devices and systems for ICT

Roma/L’Aquila, December 1-2, 2017 Chairman Dr. Luca Potì, Head of Research Area High-Capacity and Secure Optical Communications Photonic Networks and Technologies Laboratory – CNIT Pisa Italy and Israel share their strong inclination to innovation. The two Countries have, however, different background and regulations in particular for what concerns start-up incubation, development, high quality production, venture capital and big industries

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The CNIT promotes ECOC 2018 at ECOC 2017 in Gothenburg

The CNIT, Organizing Institution of ECOC 2018 (Rome, September 23-27, 2018), managed a booth at the 43th ECOC Conference (ECOC 2017 – Gothenburg, 17-21 September 2017). In this context, the most representative companies in the field of optical communication from all over the world showed their forefront technologies; the area dedicated to the exhibition hosted about 5,000 people.

Prof. Karu Esselle’s lesson at Rome Tre University on September 5th

Please note the lesson that Prof. Karu Esselle, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, will hold at Rome Tre University on September 5th in the activities of Chapter Center and South Italy of MTT and AP of IEEE and of PhD in Applied Electronics. In attachment a brief biography of Prof. Esselle and the abstract of the lesson.

EXPO 2017: Regione Liguria and CNIT at the Universal Exhibition in Astana, Kazakhstan

Regione Liguria is the protagonist of Padiglione Italia at Expo Astana 2017, dedicated to the themes of sustainability, innovation and energy efficiency. During the week from July 12 to 17, the Regione Liguria and Liguria International presented the Ligurian strategies and energy excellence to thirty Kazakh operators in the sector. “We have decided – explained the Regional Assessor for

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Livorno: the Italian case study for the Port of the Future

Maritime transport represents 90% of global trade and ports are therefore a very important and strategic resource. Container traffic has experienced a steady growth with cumulative annual rates of 7-8%. According to the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), global container handling in ports could rise up to four times the current levels by 2030 and five to

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