Nano-satellite for emergency: D-SAT mission has been launched

SatAlert, designed in collaboration with CNIT (University of Florence Research Unit), is an in-orbit validation of the Multiple Alert Message Encapsulation (MAMES) protocol, defined by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute). MAMES is an extensible multiple alert message encapsulation protocol for transporting differently formatted alert messages over satellite links. It guarantees the timely distribution of alert messages to the intended

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Prof. Giancarlo Prati has been awarded the honorary distinction of Commander of the Order of “Merit of the Italian Republic”

On the 2nd of June at the Italian Embassy in Tokyo, Prof. Giancarlo Prati has been awarded the honorary distinction of Commander of the Order of “Merit of the Italian Republic” The request for this prestigious recognition has been endorsed by the CNIT Board of Directors and the Consortium Members to acknowledge Prof. Prati’s excellence throughout his long and

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The passive radar demonstrator SMARP realized by RaSS Lab-CNIT is on the cover page of the IEEE AES Magazine

The passive radar demonstrator SMARP (Software-defined Multiband Array Passive Radar) appears on the cover page of the February 2017 issue of the high-ranking IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. The system has been realized during the homonymous research project funded by the Italian MoD under the National Plan for Military Research and carried out by the Radar and Surveillance

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CNIT going to lead the first international project standardizing Attribute Based Encryption techniques for Mobile, Cloud and Internet of things platforms.

Sophia Antipolis, FRANCE. CNIT will lead the first international project aimed at including Attribute Based Encryption techniques in standard architectures devised for Mobile, Cloud and Internet of things systems. Traditional encryption schemes protecting data are sided with a software infrastructure providing access control facilities. However, several threats may compromise the software infrastructure and the confidentiality of information. Attribute Based

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2017 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications, Towards A Smart And Secure Future Internet

2017 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications Towards A Smart And Secure Future Internet September 18-20, 2017 –  Mondello (Palermo)  ITALY Workshop website: Submission Deadline: May  31, 2017 Proceedings of TIWDC-2017 will be published by Springer as a Volume of the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series Call for papers Over the past decade, the Internet

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CNIT is partner of D-Orbit in D-SAT space mission

D-Sat ( is the first satellite in history that will come back into Earth’s atmosphere in a safe and controlled way and burn up instead of becoming new debris. D-Sat is a three-unit CubeSat designed, built, and operated by D-Orbit. It will be launched into a 500 km sun-synchronous orbit. D-Sat will be launched in May 2017, and perform

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“Contraband Pixels & Texts (Pixelettere)”. CNIT and the DOGANA project promote a literary-graphic competition to raise awareness on Social Engineering and phishing

“Contraband Pixels & Texts, or… make stories, not phishing” is a literary-graphic competition on social engineering and phishing, organized by PRA Lab and CNIT (Consorzio nazionale interuniversitario per le telecomunicazioni), partner of the DOGANA project, funded under the HORIZON 2020 programme. Participants: writers and cartoonists / illustrators. Registration: registration is free and open to people residing in EU countries

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