The first on-site technical demonstration of the 5G MASS project, co-financed by ASI on the ESA Business Applications program in a public/private partnership led by TIM, was held on 30/7/2024. The Port of Livorno hosted the demonstration, attesting a significant step in technology for port digitalization to support autonomous navigation. The day began with a visit to the

The project AI4Debunk ( is a four-year innovation action, launched in January 2024 and funded by the European Union (EU) through the Horizon Europe Programme. The project brings together an interdisciplinary consortium of 13 partners from eight Countries towards a shared mission: to support trustworthy online activity by providing citizens with human-centered AI-powered tools to fight disinformation. Partners who

Research and development program RESTART, “RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smart,” is pleased to invite the national community involved in Telecommunications (academia, research institutions, industries in the sector and users) to the Plenary Dissemination Workshop to be held in Bologna, Italy, on January 30-31, 2024 at Opificio Golinelli – via Paolo Nanni

Research and development program RESTART, “RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smart,” is pleased to invite the national community involved in Telecommunications (academia, research institutions, industries in the sector and users) to the Plenary Dissemination Workshop to be held in Bari, Italy, on July 20-21, 2023: a public event where the results

The threat spectrum faced by the European Union is broadening and demands a new and robust capability to complement existing assets and address increasingly complex challenges. Emerging military threats to the EU, clearly demonstrate the need for very early warning systems. Given the threat spectrum, it is evident that no single technology or single system can address all threat

The CNIT was awarded, in collaboration with Autoscuola Gerardo driving school, present in Pisa province with numerous locations for over forty years, and with the scientific support of the ISTI institute of the CNR of Pisa and the TECIP institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, a European research project called AI-RIDE. The project, an open call of the wider

CNIT is hosting a free PhotonHub online introductory course in Photonics Innovation. Register now and discover all training sessions by experts from the leading competence centres across Europe: is a pan-European photonics digital innovation hub that helps SMEs & mid-caps to become highly competitive digital businesses through photonics-based technologies.

As part of the “5GMASS” project – funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) and implemented by TIM, CNIT, FlySight, Cetena and Grimaldi, the conference was held on 30/03/23 at the Palazzo hotel in Livorno in which the next experimentation activities were presented. «The port of Livorno – explained the Head of the CNIT laboratory at the port, Paolo