The National Laboratory of Multimedia Communications in Naples was funded in 2000 by the Italian Ministry of University and Research as part of the LABNET project. The devices currently in use in the Laboratory include specific instruments for measurements on transmission channels and telecommunication networks, some of which are particularly sophisticated and often difficult to find. The Lab also hosts the Wireless Systems Laboratory for Wideband Services, established in 2004 with a grant from Campania Regional Administration. In addition, it is also Primary Operations Centre of the telematics infrastructure for the provision of IT services to the Consortium, redundant in the buildings of the two National Laboratories of Naples and Pisa, and operating in asynchronous mirroring to ensure continuity of service in transparent mode also in presence of failures, power outages, or temporary interruptions of the Internet connection in one of two locations. For the provision of IT services to the Consortium and to carry out research, development and testing of innovative network services, CNIT registered to RIPE its own Autonomous System (AS20475).
The Laboratory promotes and takes part to research projects funded by national bodies (mainly Ministry of Education, University and Research, Ministry of Economic Development, and Campania Region Administration), part of which related to technology transfer to enterprises, and has proven expertise in setting articulated test-bed offering, to research centers and companies operating in this sector, the ability to experiment with new technologies and protocols and validate any prototypes without having to acquire expensive equipment. The same laboratory also manages several advanced training courses within research topics of national interests.
The Laboratory has proven skills on numerous ICT subjects, and in particular on the following topics:
- characterization of the wireless propagation channel in both indoor and outdoor environments;
- performance analysis of the physical layer through computer simulations (MATLAB) and measurements (with vector signal generators, RF generators, spectrum analysers, oscilloscopes, radio channel emulator, variable attenuators , etc);
- radio resource management and performance analysis of a telecommunications network by means of measurements and computer simulations with the framework Riverbed (first Opnet Modeler Wireless Suite);
- innovative paradigms for quality of service in heterogeneous communication networks (wireless/wired) ;
- MESH and Ad-hoc (MANET, VANET, etc) networks;
- Next Generation Networks (ITU-T, ETSI/TISPAN, 3GPP);
- Software Defined Networks (Mininet Emulator and OpenFlow Controllers as POX, Beacon, Floodlight and OpenDayLight);
- Wireless Sensor Networks e Body Sensor Networks: from physical level to routing;
- prototyping of Software Defined Radio systems by programming the FPGA platforms of Ettus Research;
- telecommunication networks (wireless/wired) and systems for Smart Grid, disaster recovery, critical infrastructure security and telemedicine applications;
- Broadband Power-line Communication for Smart GRID and railway infrastructure monitoring and control;
- Indoor localization systems based on radio maps and eventually integrated with proximity sensors;
- LAMP platforms and content (Joomla, Drupal), documents (Alfresco), projects (dotProject, PHProjekt), and learning (Moodle) management systems;
- analysis and development of automation/telecommunications Arduino-based algorithms;
- design and implementation of identification, tracking and monitoring systems based on RFID technology (EPC C1G2/ISO18000-6C).
The Laboratory also carries out project activities with various companies (Telecom Italy, NEXT, Engineering, Vitrociset, Selex – Communications, Gematica, Grimaldi Navigazione, Laboratorio Tevere, Reply, Rotospeed, Nuova Avioriprese, Italdata , KES, TSEM , etc.) and collaborates with different institutes of the National Research Council (ICAR, ITD).
Laboratory building: Complesso Universitario di Monte S.Angelo, Edificio Centri Comuni, Via Cintia 4 – 80126 NAPOLI
Director: Prof. Daniele Riccio
Valorization Committee:
- Giuseppe Bianchi, UdR Roma Tor Vergata
- Tommaso Isernia, UdR Mediterranea Reggio Calabria (contact person)
- Stefano Buzzi, UdR Cassino
Contacts: daniele.riccio[AT]
Staff of the National Laboratory of Multimedia Communications
Massei | Gianluca | T | 081676 | 576 |
Paura | Mario | T | ||
Scarpiello | Amedeo | R | 081676 | 575 |
Afferents to National Laboratory of Multimedia Communications
Bifulco | Paolo | 081768 | 3794 |
Cacciapuoti | Angela Sara | 081768 | 3810 |
Caleffi | Marcello | 081768 | 3810 |
Cesarelli | Mario | 081768 | 3788 |
Paura | Luigi | 081768 | 3150 |