Tyrrhenian Workshop 2012 on Advances in Radar and Remote Sensing
Naples, September 12 – 14, 2012
The Tyrrhenian Workshop 2012 on Advances in Radar and Remote Sensing: From Earth Observation to Homeland Security (TyWRRS 2012) is the 23rd event in the series of workshops organized by the CNIT. The TyWRRS 2012, sponsored by the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society – GRSS, will be held in Naples, at the Palazzo Pacanowski, one of the main offices of the University of Naples Parthenope.
The TyWRRS 2012 aims to start interesting and stimulating discussions on technological and research challenges, on issues related to technical progress and experimental initiatives undertaken by the industrial and academic world in the field of radar systems and remote sensing systems.
The theme of the Workshop “Radar Advances and Remote Sensing: From Earth Observation to Homeland Security” aims to highlight the multiple fields of application of radar and remote sensing in general in everyday life.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of the topics of the Workshop:
- Microwave Remote Sensing
- Hyperspectral and remote optical detection
- SAR interferometry and differential interferometry
- SAR polarimetry
- SAR Tomography
- Sistemi di gioco basate
- Data fusion techniques, functionality and information in radar and EO applications
- Image and data processing in remote sensing
- nformation extraction techniques to Radar and Remote Sensing
- Remote sensing applications
- Weather Radar
- Radar Signal Processing
- Ground Penetrating Radar
- Radar Systems for Foliage / Earth / Construction Penetration
- Bistatic and Multistatic Radar
- Radar MIMO
- Electromagnetic modeling
- Homeland Security