After a successful first edition, the “Roma Digital Summit” returns to Palazzo Valentini on April 17. The event, promoted by The Innovation Group in collaboration with Roma Capitale and Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale, aims to outline the state of the art of the initiatives and projects being implemented with the resources of the PNRR and the Jubilee 2025.

The project AI4Debunk ( is a four-year innovation action, launched in January 2024 and funded by the European Union (EU) through the Horizon Europe Programme. The project brings together an interdisciplinary consortium of 13 partners from eight Countries towards a shared mission: to support trustworthy online activity by providing citizens with human-centered AI-powered tools to fight disinformation. Partners who

Research and development program RESTART, “RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smart,” is pleased to invite the national community involved in Telecommunications (academia, research institutions, industries in the sector and users) to the Plenary Dissemination Workshop to be held in Bologna, Italy, on January 30-31, 2024 at Opificio Golinelli – via Paolo Nanni

The “RESTART Grand Challenges” present the main research problems of the future telecommunications that the programme addresses from the point of view of new technologies and systems. They cut across disciplines and application domains and show how the necessary innovation requires skills and creativity in different sectors. Through a series of short interviews, young researchers discuss with Lorenzo

The eighth edition of the “Digital Italy Summit”, the largest Italian event on Digital Innovation of Businesses and Public Administration, will be held in Rome from 14 to 16 November. Register for free: The “Digital Italy Summit” represents the final moment of a long journey which has been divided into a series of territorial events which have involved many

The Evaluation Commission evaluated the received applications received and declared Dr. Giulio Maria Bianco the winner of the Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Electromagnetism achieved at a public university member of the CNIT (2023 Edition). The winner obtained his Doctorate from the University of Rome Tor Vergata and proposed for evaluation his doctoral thesis in the course

With the support of the IEEE Communication Society, the University of Genoa (thanks to Prof. Andrea Sciarrone) organizes an international PhD school in the eHealth field. The School is based in Genoa in the Liguria Digitale Auditorium from the 25th to the 27th of October 2023. The program is attached. The following link contains logistical and organizational details:

Research and development program RESTART, “RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smart,” is pleased to invite the national community involved in Telecommunications (academia, research institutions, industries in the sector and users) to the Plenary Dissemination Workshop to be held in Bari, Italy, on July 20-21, 2023: a public event where the results