Telespazio Technology Contest: Voyager Award

On Monday Nov. 18th 2019, at the Italian Space Agency headquarters in Rome, prizes were awarded to the winners of #T-TeC, the Telespazio Technology Contest, an initiative promoted by the company to enhance university research activities and to promote development and technological innovation Telespazio’s CEO, Luigi Pasquali, awarded the Voyager prize to the proposal “The Quantum Switch: enabling Noiseless Quantum communications for CyberSecurity Applications”, developed by a team

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5G Italy – The Global Meeting in Rome, Second Edition – 2019, December 3-4-5

The upcoming edition of “5G Italy” will be home to all the discussions on the present and future of 5G in Europe, the USA, China, Asia and Africa, comparing technological solutions and market contexts, notably about research, design, implementation and evolution of 5G networks. A prestigious and wide-ranging occasion to think about the role Europe and Italy might play

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Selection for the assignment of n.6 scholarships for Technicians expert in Research within the training course on topics related to enabling technologies

(Identification Code: CNT 01_00176_166195 – CUP: B52G14000190001) “ITS-ITALY 2020/Formazione” is a project that aims at training high level researchers in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems. Selected trainees will acquire expertise that will be spent to producing innovative technology that will help the industrial development in the field of mobility and transports.  

First edition of “Cy4games – Capture the Flag on trial”

On May 6, the first edition of “Cy4games – Capture the Flag on trial” was held in Rome, at the headquarters of Elettronica Group. Seventeen teams of ethical hackers from all over Italy attended the competition, promoted by Cy4gate and with the patronage of the Ministry of Defense. In this event, the Cyber ​​Security group of the CNIT research

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PNTLab: Open Position – Researcher (Level IV – 24 months)

Quantum Communications, and Quantum Technologies in general, are a rapidly expanding and exciting research field were Photonics and Integrated Photonics are playing a key role. CNIT PNTLab has a cutting-edge expertise in Photonics and Integrated Photonics and is expanding the group involved in research in Quantum Communications also thanks to increasing involvement in National and European Projects in the

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ESoA Course: Compressive Sensing in Electromagnetics Riva del Garda (Trento) – Italy, 18-22 March 2019

In the framework of the European School of Antennas, we  inform you that the course  “Compressive Sensing in Electromagnetics” will be organized by the ELEDIA Research Center of the University of Trento. It will be held at  Sala Ledro @ Centro Congressi Riva del Garda, Parco Lido, 1, Riva del Garda (Trento), Italy, in the week 18-22 March 2019. The

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5G Italy – The Global Meeting in Rome

From 4 to 6 December 2018 was held the ‘5G Italy – The Global Meeting in Rome’, the three-day Conference on the future 5G network at the CNR in Rome: it was promoted by the CNIT and organized by Supercom together with Key4biz. So 3 days of confrontation and debate to meet the challenges of the future and seize

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2019 IEEE International Symposium on Measurement and Networking (M&N 2019)

The CNIT sponsors the fifth edition of the IEEE International Workshop on Measurements & Networking (M&N 2019, web site: that will be held in Catania on 8-10 July 2019 at the Diocesan Museum in the center of Catania. The  Symposium aims to represent a forum for researchers and practitioners from industry, academia, government and standardization committee interested in the areas of

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