NEXT GENERATION INTERNET AND 5G: CNIT awarded at the 3RD FED4FIRE+ ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN PARIS for the best demo of an innovative prototype for 5G services

In the picture standing from the left: Barbara Martini, Molka Gharboui, Chiara Contoli, Federica Paganelli. In the picture sitting from the left: Gianluca Davoli, Walter Cerroni CNIT has been awared at the 3rd FED4FIRE+ ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE held in Paris ( for the “Best Demo” of an  innovative prototype developed in the project “Latency-aware and self-Adaptive Service cHaining in

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“Smart roads for AD cars”: the AUTOPILOT project in Livorno

Livorno (Italy) – A week of technological experimentation on the port of Livorno, featuring dozens of installations set up by world-class companies and a two days of conferences and field demonstrations on 18th and 19th of October, has just ended. Main goal was to show how the integration of devices in vehicles, on roadside infrastructure, in radio rooms and

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Publication in the journal Nature Reviews

CNIT researchers at the forefront on Graphene Photonics have published in the journal Nature Reviews a perspective paper for this technology entitled “Graphene-based integrated photonics for next-generation datacom and telecom”. Abstract: “Graphene is an ideal material for optoelectronic applications. Its photonic properties give several advantages and complementarities over Si photonics. For example, graphene enables both electro-absorption and electro-refraction modulation

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Framework Agreement between the General Secretariat of Defence/National Directorate of Armaments and the CNIT

On 24 September 2018, at the headquarters of Segredifesa (Via Centocelle 301, Rome) a Framework Agreement between the General Secretariat of Defence/National Directorate of Armaments (Gen. S.A. Carlo Magrassi) and the CNIT (Director Prof. Nicola Blefari Melazzi) was signed. The main goal of the Agreement is to encourage and develop the research activities between the two institutions, with applications

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Memorandum of understanding between CNIT and Regione Toscana for a new meteoclimatic station in Pratomagno

A new meteoclimatic station in Pratomagno to strengthen the national and regional radar network. This is the goal of the memorandum of understanding signed this morning between the Regione Toscana, the Interuniversity of Telecommunications (CNIT) consortiums and LaMMA and the representatives of the territory. Placed on the border between the Florentine and Arezzo areas, the Pratomagno was chosen because

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The SCOUT EU project leaded by RaSS Lab-CNIT has been selected by CORDIS-EU

The community research and development information service (CORDIS-EU) has selected SCOUT as a promising and impactful EU-funded project . CORDIS has consequentially produced a dissemination article after an interview with the project coordinators and it is now available online in six languages at The SCOUT (Multitech security system for interconnected space control ground stations) project has focused on

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An important milestone for CNIT Lab RaSS

Conformal antennas for communication systems, proposed by the applied electromagnetics group, have passed all the severe qualification tests for naval use and can therefore be mounted on board the new Multi-purpose Offshore Patrol Vessels (PPA) of the Italian Navy CNIT RaSS Lab has reached a fundamental milestone in the development of the new generation of naval antennas. The long

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Public selection for the assignment of 4 awards and a scolarship

CNIT announces a Public selection for the assignment of: 4 “CNIT ideas” awards, 3 of which reserved to fixed-term researchers of type A/B and 1 reserved to Postdoc, for the presentation of project proposals based on both European and National funding opportunities; “Silvano Pupolin” Scholarship, established in memory of prof. Silvano Pupolin, director of CNIT in the three-year period 2008-10 and

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